Earth Light

Earth Light

Saturday, May 18, 2013


This post is dedicated to all those who have insomnia ... I read so much to make my list ... in which I promise myself not to have insomnia anymore ...

Environment for Sleep
1) Luminosity
 - Our body metabolism will have better hormone generation in dark , so it is really important to keep our room dark while our sleep from 10 to 2. But it is advisable not to be completely dark, possibly a dim light will do

- If our room is messy, our subconscious mind will make us feel unsettled. So please sleep in a tidied room

- It is important that your room is aired, as in great air circulation. You can use some scented candle( e.g. lavender or jasmine smell ) to aid sleeping

Things to avoid for better sleep
1) Caffeine
- Drinks like coffee, tea or chocolate should not be consumed during the evening, it stimulates you during the night

2) Alcohol
- It may seem you are drowsy after consumption of alcohol but you are not getting the quality for sleep you ought to have

3)Eating too much or too little at night
- Your digestive system should be resting while you are sleeping, but starving in bed will make it hard for you to fall asleep

4)Watching TV/computer at night
- These could stimulate your brain or eye, in which make you excited at night

5)Discussing emotional issues in bed
- These includes distracting activities such as work. We ought to separate our bed from our working desk, otherwise your subconscious mind will get messed up and thus you are thinking of work in bed

6) Long nap
- Nap should be 20 to 30 minutes, any longer will keep you awake at night

Things to eat for sleep
1) Calcium magnesium
- These helps in relaxing your nerves

2) Milk
- Has tryptophan which is a natural sleep promoting chemical

3) Commomile tea
- 2 hours before bed aid in falling asleep, good brand e.g Twinning

Do's for sleep
1) Keep a regular sleep pattern
- Body will easily fall asleep if it is in a habit, tune your internal bioclock ... make it a habit to sleep at 10 and have a round 8¬10 hours of sleep

An hour before sleep( Preparation for sleep )
*Combine at most 2 of the following
1) Relaxation music
-You can try getting sleeping music from youtube. Your selection of songs should be sentimental, soft. You could also try classical songs, nature sound like whales/ bird chirping

2) Light reading
- Read something which bores you , fiction stories are great selection for night reading as they are similar to dreams, in which makes you feel like you are already sleeping

3)Hot bathe
- A hot bathe makes you sleepy(blood circulation) but a cold bathe makes you refreshed. You can even try hot bathe with only your bare foot

4)Body scan method
- Lay on your bed and increase attention to your body. Feel the sensation with your eyes closed. Release the stress and pain whenever you feel in your muscle

5)Get out of bed if you can't sleep for 30 minutes
- Do not try too hard to fall asleep but do stuff which relax your mind or body when you could not sleep

And hopefully, no more insomnia for me in the future !!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


这个post会述说我这些年, 读中学, 读大学是如何读书的.
虽然我的成绩不是数一数二, 但想分享一些心得...

首先要说,我是一个完美主义者, 所以这些步骤都请拿来做参考, 因为也许不是很实用

第一是文章科, 这包过语文,经济, 最重要的部分莫过于写文章,但看的是你个人的意见,没有黑白分明的对错
第二是理解科, 这包过数理,电脑coding,accounting,人家已经设定好答案,所以只有对错,没有灰色地带


把读一样科目分成可以用不同的方法来学习, 用看和听的,观看video; 可以读书,也可以做历年考题,人体每一个部位都有属于自己的记忆,所以把读一个科目分成至少两种方法或工作,第一个做累了,就可以做第二个

把所有可能关联的事物都写下来, 比如要写文章,要从网上记录完可能要写的事物,才决定写文章.背的科,就写完所有可能出的题目,以便容易做自己的笔记


第五( 整理arrange)



Example 1:
I have a pure mathematics exams, it will be really dry if I read directly because I won't understand the flow ...
So 1st I split my notes into definition and possible answers, 2nd I list out defition and theorems in sheet A, also list out all the possible questions coming out in sheet B,
The 3rd step,for each question I ask why step A leads to step B, and answer then while reading through my notes, then I realize how each definition or theorem fits in the context, by this way I understand the flow of my answers. I would easily do this question if the same question comes out in exams.
The 5th step, I arrange which definition or theorem or question to put first in my notes, I need to arrange till when I read my notes, I can easily find the thing I want
The 6th step, present my notes by writing them down
Final step, I have created a notes which is easily absorbed by my brain ....

Example 2:
Here I have an essay about GE13
1st I need to research online fully so I know everything about GE13, thus I know what to write when I'm given a specific topic. So I split the big topic into a smaller topics to research, i.e the candidates, SPR, type of voting, e.t.c
The 2nd step I list out all the source of my information, i.e. newspaper
However newspaper information may not be complete, so I ask questions on the stuff I read, so I can once again research online, and answer all the question, i.e. step 3 and 4th step
On each topic, I arrange the information brought up in each point depending on my received information ...
Possibly I arrange my candidates so that first are repeating candidates, or I arrange them based on area
the 6th step I present everything in front of me so I can easily refer back
The final step, I write by essay with my information received