Earth Light

Earth Light

Saturday, May 11, 2013


这个post会述说我这些年, 读中学, 读大学是如何读书的.
虽然我的成绩不是数一数二, 但想分享一些心得...

首先要说,我是一个完美主义者, 所以这些步骤都请拿来做参考, 因为也许不是很实用

第一是文章科, 这包过语文,经济, 最重要的部分莫过于写文章,但看的是你个人的意见,没有黑白分明的对错
第二是理解科, 这包过数理,电脑coding,accounting,人家已经设定好答案,所以只有对错,没有灰色地带


把读一样科目分成可以用不同的方法来学习, 用看和听的,观看video; 可以读书,也可以做历年考题,人体每一个部位都有属于自己的记忆,所以把读一个科目分成至少两种方法或工作,第一个做累了,就可以做第二个

把所有可能关联的事物都写下来, 比如要写文章,要从网上记录完可能要写的事物,才决定写文章.背的科,就写完所有可能出的题目,以便容易做自己的笔记


第五( 整理arrange)



Example 1:
I have a pure mathematics exams, it will be really dry if I read directly because I won't understand the flow ...
So 1st I split my notes into definition and possible answers, 2nd I list out defition and theorems in sheet A, also list out all the possible questions coming out in sheet B,
The 3rd step,for each question I ask why step A leads to step B, and answer then while reading through my notes, then I realize how each definition or theorem fits in the context, by this way I understand the flow of my answers. I would easily do this question if the same question comes out in exams.
The 5th step, I arrange which definition or theorem or question to put first in my notes, I need to arrange till when I read my notes, I can easily find the thing I want
The 6th step, present my notes by writing them down
Final step, I have created a notes which is easily absorbed by my brain ....

Example 2:
Here I have an essay about GE13
1st I need to research online fully so I know everything about GE13, thus I know what to write when I'm given a specific topic. So I split the big topic into a smaller topics to research, i.e the candidates, SPR, type of voting, e.t.c
The 2nd step I list out all the source of my information, i.e. newspaper
However newspaper information may not be complete, so I ask questions on the stuff I read, so I can once again research online, and answer all the question, i.e. step 3 and 4th step
On each topic, I arrange the information brought up in each point depending on my received information ...
Possibly I arrange my candidates so that first are repeating candidates, or I arrange them based on area
the 6th step I present everything in front of me so I can easily refer back
The final step, I write by essay with my information received

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